Wellsprings is a group for anyone interested in a contemporary approach to personal well-being, mind-body-spirit “wellness” and holistic health including the new, cutting-edge frontiers where science and modern medicine are increasingly re-connecting with traditional therapies and ancient wisdom streams. Founded by Sue Cooper and Shaun Glossop, Founder of the Nottingham Mindfulness Group
Our focus is on health, vitality and wellness at all levels of our being, and we seek to actively explore the ways in which we can be healthy, active and well-balanced as individuals, within a healthy, well-balanced wider community. Our aim is to seek out the wide variety of differing yet complimentary ways in which people (both individually and collectively) can be empowered to get the most from life, and over time to integrate holistic wellness into health care.
Our meetings will include talks by guest speakers, occasional practical demonstrations, film or video presentations on interesting topics, information about relevant events, classes and courses that are happening locally, and the opportunity to relax and chat with other group members socially.