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Client testimonials

Sue Cooper is a fantastic speaker. Her talk is both extremely timely and inspirational. Timely because people are very eager to learn what they can do to improve their health and inspirational because Sue explains the interconnection between many aspects of our lives and how they all play a part towards “Self-healing” and “well-being”. She explains and demonstrate how mindfulness can instantly have an effect on one’s mental status as well as having some long term beneficial outcomes with regular practices.
— Dr. Stéphanie McArdle, Senior Research Scientist, Tumour Immunology, Nottingham Trent University
A very thought provoking session and absolutely essential men consider a lifestyle framework in managing prostate cancer.  Ten out of ten for the presentation.
— Roger Wotton, Chairman, Tackle Prostate Cancer
Sue has delivered a series of well-received workshops on ‘self-care’ to University staff and researchers. She has successfully engaged sceptical participants and experienced mindfulness practitioners to engage with this increasingly popular topic. The effectiveness of her approach arises from how she weaves together the science of our human responses with inspiration for self-care and practices for learning compassion.
— Dr Jo Bramham, Professional Development Officer, HR Department, University of Nottingham