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Awaken the Power of the Feminine Mystics, Women's Retreat

Explore the power of the feminine as revealed by modern-day and historical mystics at this powerful women-only retreat designed to help you connect to the deepest part of you and reawaken your personal feminine power.  It’s a weekend of empowering ceremonies, community council practices, meditations, and awakening exercises that allow you to explore the power and wisdom of modern and ancient feminine mystics and archetypes.

The retreat is led by four powerful women – Sarah McLean, Suzi von Mensenkampff, Vera Lopez, and our own Sue Cooper. They’ll help you take the journey deep into your interior as you examine your life through the mirror of the lives of female mystics. Discover how to embrace what is truly yours while letting go of what doesn’t serve you. Cultivate and celebrate your unique expression of feminine power, and identify what you are being called to do next, all in a supportive, safe and inspiring environment.

To Register 

The early bird cost of the retreat is 250 Euro (30 days in advance), regular registration 275 Euro. Attendance is limited. 

For questions or more information, contact Suzi von Mensenkampff at +353 85 7214170, or, email